Metatarsalgia is not an injury; it’s actually a symptom or group of symptoms. These may include pain in the ball of the foot, with or without bruising, and inflammation. There are no one specific causes of metatarsalgia, but a lot of physically active people suffer from this condition as it can be caused by a high impact of the foot which is a product of running, jumping, etc. Sometimes, the condition can also be caused by badly-fitting footwear or even an underlying medical condition. If you are experiencing pain or inflammation in the ball of your foot, please give Dr. Mark Forman a call to discuss your treatment options.
Metatarsalgia develops when something changes or threatens the normal mechanics of the foot. Ultimately, this creates excessive pressure on the ball of the foot, and that leads to the condition. Symptoms of metatarsalgia may include sharp, aching or burning pain in the ball of your foot – the part of the sole just behind your toes, sharp or shooting pain, numbness, or tingling in your toes, and/or pain that worsens when you stand, run, flex your feet or walk – especially on a hard surface. Some of the best treatments of metatarsalgia come from being proactive. Keep body weight at a healthy level, and stick to shoes that fit properly.
To learn more about the conditions we treat and the services we provide at the office, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Mark Forman in Scottsdale AZ, call 480-423-8400.
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